Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Getting harder everyday

So I thought I would be clever and devote my week to rhyming my posts with the word blog but I am finding it more difficult each day. And trying to link it to the art world, that is proving to be harder. I realized this week that I already used the word dog two weeks ago so that word is out. I can't stand cheating, but I am going to tough it out- even if I have to stretch a little. My little games are catching up with me. I am going to give myself a day to think of another word. Hopefully, I can find an artist with a last name that ryhmes with BLOG!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alexandra Hogue - http://orpartreview.homestead.com/Alexandre_Hogue___Mother_Earth_Laid_Bare.jpg

(I think you just pronounce that "Hog" right? That rhymes)
